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Support Policy

1. Overview

Unless otherwise stated, these Support Policies apply to on-site and off-site support for all service lines.

“You” and “your” refer to the individual or entity that has ordered support from FWC or an FWC-authorized distributor.

All programs must be licensed to receive support provided by FWC Support Services (“FSS”) as described in these FWC Service Support Policies. Dedicated support is provided for issues (including problems you create) that are demonstrable in the currently supported release(s) of the FWC licensed program, running unaltered, and on certified services, MSP, and service latency, as specified in your order or program documentation.

2. Support Terms

Support Period

Support is effective upon the effective date of your order unless stated otherwise in your order. Unless otherwise stated in the order, FWC Service support terms, including pricing, reflect a 12-month support period (the “support period”). Once placed, your call for support services is non-cancelable and the sums paid are non-refundable, except as provided in the relevant order. FWC is not obligated to provide support beyond the end of the support period.

Contacting FWC Support

  • Support requests must be submitted via the FWC in-website support system. If the in-website support is unavailable, an email with a detailed issue description may be sent to the FWC Support contact listed in your Order Form.
  • Your service contacts are the sole liaisons between you and FSS for service support services.
  • Your Service contacts must have, at a minimum, initial basic staffing and vendor relationship knowledge and, as needed, supplemental training appropriate for specific roles or implementation phases.
  • Your support contacts must be knowledgeable about the FWC-supported programs and your FWC environments to help resolve service issues and assist FWC in analyzing and resolving service requests.
  • When submitting a service request, your Service contact should have a baseline understanding of the problem you are encountering and an ability to provide a detailed description of the problem with evidence and supporting materials to assist FWC in diagnosing and triaging the problem.
  • To avoid interruptions in support services, you must notify FSS whenever Service contact responsibilities are transferred to another individual.

  • You may designate one (1) primary and two (2) backup individuals (“Service contact”) to serve as liaisons with FSS.
  • Your primary Service contact shall be responsible for overseeing your service request activity and the backup Service contacts shall be responsible for overseeing the request activity in the primary individual’s absence.
  • FWC may review service requests logged by your Service contacts and may recommend specific training to help avoid service requests that would be prevented by such training.

3. FWC Service Support Levels

  • You will automatically receive updates to the FWC system.
  • Service updates, fixes, security alerts, and critical patch updates.
  • Major product and technology releases, if and when made available at FWC’s discretion, which may include general maintenance releases, selected functionality releases, and documentation updates.
  • Access to the customer support systems in the FWC application, including the ability to log service requests online, unless stated otherwise.
  • Non-Service customer service during normal business hours.
  • The Software License, Updates & Support described above.
  • First Line Support (Level 1)
  • For your support requests, FWC will use reasonable efforts to respond to service requests per the Response Time Goals outlined in the guidelines below; however, FWC’s failure to adhere to the times stated will not constitute a breach by FWC. The guidelines are for informational purposes only and are subject to change at FWC’s discretion.

For your support requests, FWC will use reasonable efforts to respond to service requests per the Response Time Goals outlined in the guidelines below; however, FWC’s failure to adhere to the times stated will not constitute a breach by FWC. The guidelines are for informational purposes only and are subject to change at FWC’s discretion.

Update of Resolution

Critical – Resource Unavailability or Absence 2 hours Same day

High – Serious business impact 2 hours 24 hours

Medium – Moderate business impact 4 hours 2-5 days

Low – Limited business impact 24 hours TBD based on priority

4. Priority Definitions

Service requests for supported FWC programs may be submitted by you online through FWC’s in-app customer support system. If the in-website system is unavailable, you may reach the Service contact in your contract by email. The service request priority level is selected by you and FWC and should be based on the priority definitions specified below.

Priority – Critical

Your production use of the supported programs has stopped or is so severely impacted that you cannot reasonably continue work. You experience a complete loss of service. The operation is mission critical to the business and the situation is an emergency. A critical priority service request has one or more of the following characteristics:

  • A critical criminal crime or legal eviction
  • The Resource backs off without prior notice
  • Repeated malpractices or breaking the code of conduct at the client' place

Reasonable efforts will be made to respond to critical priority service requests within two (2) hours. Except as otherwise specified, FWC provides 24-hour support for critical priority service requests. You must provide FSS with a contact during this 24×7 period, either on-site or by phone, to assist with data gathering, Investigation and Report making. You are requested to propose this priority classification with great care, so that valid critical priority situations obtain the necessary resource allocation from FWC.

Priority – High

You experience a severe loss of service. Important features are unavailable with no acceptable workaround; however, operations can continue in a restricted fashion.

Priority – Medium

You experience a minor loss of service. The impact is an inconvenience, which may require a workaround to restore functionality, and may affect certain agreements and organization times.

Priority – Low

You request information, an enhancement, or documentation clarification regarding your software but there is no impact on the operation of the software. You experience no loss of service. The result does not impede the operation of a system.

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